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Anavar Only Cycle Pros and Cons List

An Anavar Only Cycle is one of the mildest available anabolic steroids in the world today.

Apart from the fact that it is inexpensive when compared to other options, it’s certainly the best steroids for athletes and bodybuilders.  Its role in helping bodybuilders reach their goals cannot be underemphasized. Achieving results with Anavar are pretty encouraging. Just see below:


This article reviews all the information you need to start using Anavar Only Cycle. What many consider to be the safest bet.


The Side effects of using Anavar Only Cycle

A ‘var only cycle’ does have side effects.

Anavar is not harsh in nature but possesses the tendency of natural testosterone production suppression. This suppression could possibly cause mood swing, libido, and sexual performance.  These resultant effects can happen within just a few days of usage.

Therefore, it is advisable that athletes and bodybuilders who are using this steroid should supplement it with other exogenous testosterone to combat potential side effects associated with the suppression of testosterone.

Due to this inherent suppression of the testosterone, PCT is required. The body takes an average of 21 days to stop the production of natural testosterone boosters. And if Post – Cycle Therapy (PCT) is not done after the cycle is over, it may likely take a year by testosterone production gets back to normal.


Therefore, the goal of using PCT is to create Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), both hormones inform the testicles that the body needs to be provided with more testosterone.

Without undergoing PCT, there is the possibility that natural testosterone produced may be permanently suppressed. This could result in numerous side effects such as muscle loss, weight gain, and testicular atrophy.

PCT is the way to curb this and put your body in the right shape to kick-start the natural production of testosterone following an Anavar Only Cycle.

Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (STEMS) stimulate both Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH), which directly help in the production of testosterone.


PCT Sample

PCT dosage usually recommended is for the period of 6 weeks but not everyone will need it for six weeks. Some people only use a lose – dose Anavar Only Cycle for a short period of time. For most people, it’s enough to stop PCT after 4 weeks. For safety’s sake, you may continue for the fifth and sixth week. Only use Clomid or Nolvadex and not both when undergoing PCT.

Below is the generally accepted dosage for Anavar Only Cycle

1 – 2 150 mg 40 mg
2 – 4 100 mg 20 mg
5 – 6 50 mg 10 mg 

Other side effects of Anavar Cycle

Vomiting, changes in the coloration of the skin, changes in sexual desire and hair loss are some of Anavar Only Cycle side effects.

Other outstanding side effects are acne, oily skin, and nausea. It is important to inform your Doctor immediately if you experience an adverse side effect like anxiety, depression, and snoring.

Why You Should Use Anavar Only Cycles

The mild nature of Anavar Cycle makes many athletes believe that the steroid can benefit them. Since Anavar doesn’t convert into estrogen, it means that people don’t need to rely upon compounds such as Arimidex to minimize the side effects of estrogen.

If Anavar Only Cycle is used as recommended, side effects are few (if there’s any at all). Another plus is that despite the fact that it is an alkylated oral steroid, liver toxicity risk is smaller than if it was associated with other steroids like Winstrol. Supplement Milk Thistle for the liver.


Anavar Cycle’s Best Use

To get great results for those bodybuilders who have interest in using a Anavar cycle, it should be used as part of a cutting stack.

Many people who can’t take more potent steroids fall back on Anavar for slighter milder benefits.

Anavar Cycle has been found to be a great option for hardening muscles and improve vascularity.

Anavar is one of the best steroids for those looking to get stronger apart from just increasing in size.

Another important benefit that Anavar offers is its reduced side effects for women. To enjoy synergistic effects of Anavar, men will have to pair their Anavar with testosterone or other anabolic steroids.

Anavar Cycle helps women gain muscle mass they crave for after they have finished with diet and exercise alone.

An intake of 10mg per day to 40mg per day is ideal for women depending on their goals. Higher doses prevent the risk of virilization though it’s lower, it still exists.

Virilization is defined as the development of male traits and character.

Some symptoms are:

Since many of these can be permanent, it’s important any woman using Anavar Cycle should be vigilant by checking for these symptoms from time to time. If you have experienced any of these symptoms, stop using Anavar outrightly and make sure you inform your Doctor.

Symptoms of virilization could be reversed if treated early. However, virilization incidence with Anavar is rare, especially when at low doses.


What To Expect When You Use Anavar Only Cycles

Anavar Cycle may not give you tremendous results as with other steroids like Dianabol.  Both one thing is certain, using it during a cutting cycle, helps to maintain your muscle mass.


Vascularity Improvement – Bodybuilders look vascular very quickly when they take Anavar Cycle. This veiny look is coveted among bodybuilders giving them a competitive edge.


Incredible Pumps – Just taking a few pumps, your muscle can swell and bulge. This is very helpful during competition. High doses tend to give athletes painful pumps.


Strength is Boosted – Many users of Anavar Only Cycle experience strength boost about two weeks into their cycles, some reports it occurs during cutting cycles.


Improvement in Muscle Quality

Taking Anavar improves the overall quality of your bodies existing muscle mass especially when you use it with a solid diet and a exercise program.

A female bodybuilder or athlete may gain up to 15 pounds of lean muscle in a couple of weeks.  People’s result can’t be similar when it comes to lean muscle, but men and women can expect almost the same result when it comes to cutting.

Anavar may not provide incredible results like other oral steroids but it could help those who can’t tolerate the more potent steroids. It is perfectly suited for men who want to cut and women that dream to add a few pounds of lean muscle mass. Check out some of the results below:

anavar cycle